Is a licensed club of the AKC
HOSSC offers four types of membership:
Individual - voting membership is open to all parsons age 18 and over. This entitles the member to full club privileges, including voting and office holding after attending 3 meetings. Due are $20.00 per person/year. This membership is primarily for anyone who can attend a minimum of three meetings per year and wants to be an active member of the club and to hold an Office.
Household - voting membership is open to all parsons age 18 and over. This entitles two members of one household to full club privileges, including voting and office holding after attending 3 meetings. Dues are $30.00 per 2 person household/year. This membership is for anyone who attends a minimum of three meetings per year and wants to be an active member of the club and to hold an Office and have voting privileges.
Associate membership is open to all persons age 18 and over. This is a non-voting, non-office holding membership. It includes all other aspects of the club such as Newsletters, Awards, etc. Dues are $15.00 per year and is recommended for those members who don't plan to attend meetings or reside to far away to make a minimum of three meetings per year.
Junior Membership is open to all persons age 9-17. This is an on-voting, non-office holding membership. It includes all other aspects of the club such as Newsletters, Awards, etc . This membership is free.